
Banking & Financial Services

Banking & Financial Services

From managing risks and regulatory compliance to the cross channel optimisation and delivering new efficiency with cost reduction, at ZITIMA we do them better.

With the spurring technology innovations the Banking and Finance industry is at the cusp of change. New opportunities with the growth and innovations for better customer focus and service is coupled with industry-defining challenges like:  

  • Digital banking services
  • Global expansion
  • Regulatory and compliance
  • Data explosion
  • Ageing technology infrastructure
  • Cost pressures

ZITIMA’s solution for the Banking and Financial Service Industry are based on technological innovations for improved current performance and enabling them to embrace the future with ease.

Our Services

Build tangible outcome for business with an economic value from ZITIMA's solutions for various banking, financial and other processes. We build our solutions and services with industry practices and government regulations at core.

  • Banking
    • Lending
      In-depth customer credit profile assessment and analysis, credit scoring and report for an optimised lending process by reducing the process time and minimising the delinquency rate with advanced technology solutions for Commercial, Small businesses, Auto finances and Mortgages with reducing time to market and supporting the complete business life-cycle across organisation.

    • Transactional Banking
      High performance transaction processing environment can be possible with ZITIMA’s services and solutions. With our solutions you can have reduced turnaround time and insulate your business from delays, downtime and reduce cost of ownership and eliminate overhead and management effort.

    • Banking Channels
      Enhance your experience and provide the freedom to manage the user finances from anywhere at any time with seamless and scaleable technology platform. Let your customers stay connected in a no-boundaries world and provide multiple ways to transact with you whenever and wherever they happen to be with various solutions like online baking, mobile banking and interactive e-campaigns and much more with the user convenience

    • Medical Banking
      Faster and secure remittance services can be at your fingertips with our solutions deployed. Connect the Insurers and payees with a common display for claims, payments, approval and denial status. With our solutions insurance and health care organisations can efficiently and effectively reduce the outstanding payments and quick claim settlement using the fully automated workflow supported by extensive analysis and reporting with accurate data and secure interfaces for reduced response time and risk mitigation.

    • Payments
      With our solutions you can identify, manage and mitigate risks in the electronic transactions with automated clearing and direct debits with following business benefits of improved efficiency in payments and cash management and risk identification and reduced maintenance costs.

  • Capital Markets
    Drive higher performance with secure, scalable and customisable solutions from ZITIMA to handle end-to-end processes from pre-trade analysis, trade execution, clearance, settlements, accounting, reconciliation and reporting. 
  • Cards and Payments
  • Data driven analysis for risk assessment and customer profile building for assessment of credit score and credit reports with risk management solutions and IT consulting. 


  • Statutory Industry and Government’s regulatory compliance.
  • Improved efficiency and reduced cost expenses.
  • Automation and accelerated customer experiences.
  • Secure and modern Technology Landscape.
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